Introducing The Guides: A Collection of Untamed Stories

Ridr Knowlton is an avid outdoorsman and great client of Frontiers.  He has written a delightful book with all proceeds being donated to Bonefish & Tarpon Trust. The Guides can be ordered on Amazon and local bookstores. The book’s Instagram is @ridr_the_guides. Below is additional information about the book from the publisher's press release:

Warren Publishing introduces a short story collection that will leave field-sport enthusiasts with an unprecedented look behind the experiences of guides and outfitters all over the world. Well-travelled hunter and angler, Ridr Knowlton combines the wildlife tales he’s heard from fellow adventurers across the globe into one book, The Guides: A Collection of Untamed Stories. Readers' adventurous spirits will be sparked as they are taken through dangerous parts of the world and connect with what nature offers.

Inspired by his own thrilling stories, Knowlton started writing about his tales and the stories he was told as a way to remember them. “I just wanted to remember the stories to share with my family, especially the early stories I heard from the Condict family in Wyoming. They were great stories for anyone, but relative to my ‘tame’ life in the suburbs, they seemed incredible,” states Knowlton. It would be several years later before Knowlton considered compiling his tales into a book.

As Knowlton thinks back on these adventures, “...the early trips in my twenties helped introduce me to outfitters, guides and others who opened the door for even more extreme destinations as I got into my thirties and forties,” and his list of adventures kept growing. Throughout the many years of harrowing journeys, Knowlton has been put in some dangerous situations. “I have been bitten, poisoned and infested by various critters around the world,” says Knowlton, “but it’s all part of the experience.”

These stories are more than tales of hunting and fishing, they also connect readers with exciting and new places they may never see. Knowlton states, “I hope both outdoors people as well as people who don’t necessarily hunt and fish enjoy reading the book and get a kick out of the stories, as I think the stories can relate to life in ways beyond the sporting world.”

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Office Broker Writes the Book on Stories About the Great Outdoors