© Photo by Ridr Knowlton

Ridr Knowlton

grew up on a small farm in Upstate New York. His grandparents ran a fishing camp along the fabled Beaver Kill in the Catskills, the birthplace of American fly fishing. 

Ridr has spent the past thirty years fly fishing and hunting around the world.  He has hunted and fished with native guides from the jungles and rainforests to the arctic tundra. Ridr and his father were one of the first father/son teams to both complete the grand slam of saltwater fly fishing (bonefish, tarpon, and permit caught on fly in one day) in Mexico. He was the first amateur fly fisherman to complete the Alaskan super slam (all nine trout and salmon species caught on fly in one day). He has successfully hunted most of the species of big game in North America and, as a mountain hunter, has completed the grand slam of North American wild sheep. His most valued sporting accomplishment is watching those whom he introduced to the outdoors find their own success hunting and fishing.   

Ridr’s sporting articles and photography have appeared in numerous outdoor magazines. The Guides is his first book. 

Ridr lives with his wife and two children in North Carolina.