Bookshelf - The Guides
If you’ve ever listened, spellbound, to your hunting guide tell a great story - whether it was funny, poignant, invented, or true - you’ve probably thought: Somebody should write this down. In The Guides: A Collection of Untamed Stories, North Carolina writer Ridr Knowlton has done just that. We all know that hunting guides have some of the greatest stories to tell, and Knowlton has collected fascinating tales about the lives and adventures of great guides he has known in this very enjoyable book.
Knowlton has hunted and fished all over the world for some thirty years, and he has shared camps with countless guides and outfitters. These experiences have given him a rich field to choose from. But the stories he tells about the guides are rarely about game harvested; they are about the many other parts of the outdoor experience - people, weather, landscapes, and other wildlife. Geographically, they range from Nunavut to North Carolina and from Texas to Tanzania. Knowlton is an engaging writer with an eye for great characters, and he makes you feel as if you are sitting around a campfire with these guides, listening to their stories.
The author is donating 100 percent of his proceeds from the book to conservation groups, including Bonefish & Tarpon Trust and Dallas Safari Club.
-Diana Rupp, Editor-in-Chief, Sports Afield Magazine